


When compared to other countries, the taste of Japanese food is different from other countries’ food because Japanese food has a softer texture, a more original flavor. In general, traditional Japanese cuisine is said to be a healthful diet because it is quite protein, relatively low in calories, and contains essential nutrients. In principle Japanese cuisine is made with not too much seasoning and does not eat much time.

Tempura is my favorite meal, and during the tour I taste the tempura directly cooked with original texture and flavor. Tempura , or tenpura is Japanese food in the form of seafood, vegetables, or vegetable plants dyed into the dough of flour and egg yolks diluted with cold water then fried with a lot of cooking oil to yellow young. Generally, Tempura is eaten with tempura soy sauce mixed with a little wine and fish stock added with mashed radish or mashed ginger. There may be a picture that Tempura food in restaurants is expensive, but in Japan Tempura is also a folk food because it is often made as household daily food, and can even be bought at supermarkets in the finished cuisine section.


At first, tempura is the name for the regional cuisine of Kyushu and Okinawa which is fried with cooking oil imported from outside Japan. Since ancient times in Japan is already known fried from fish dough that crushed mixed with flour called Satsuma-age. Tempura in the form of fried seafood and vegetables as it is known now only started since the Edo period.

Tempura attracts not only its crispness after frying it, but because Tempura can be enjoyed in various ways. There are many ways to eat Tempura, for example eaten with Japanese or Udon Soba, or enjoyed on rice and sweet soy sauce as Tendon. Every way of eating must have its own taste, so try to enjoy the various flavors of Tempura. This tempura can be enjoyed in a variety of places from fancy restaurants to soba booths, so be prepared according to the budget and the theme or taste you want to enjoy.