Tempura Soba -てんぷらそば‐



Tempura Soba  


Japan is one of the biggest countries when it comes to gourmet the food culture here is really diverse and full of unique dishes with a lot of unique flavors and recipes to satisfy any gourmet enthusiasts, it really troubling trying to choose and talk about a single Japanese dish with such rich food heritage I experienced a lot of unique dishes in japan from sweets and fish-based dishes so it is hard to choose what to talk about but I thought why not talking from the beginning and write the first food that I experienced here when I came to Japan and that dish was the Tempura soba it’s a set dish that I ate in a regular restaurant in Awaji Shima this set contained the Soba noodles the Tempura and vegetables with some desert, in this article I want to focus on the tempura and the soba but first I would like to interduce these dishes first.

Soba:   is a type of Japanese noodle dishes made with buckwheat, they are thin noodles they are the opposite of the thick noodles called udon, they are served in a lot of different ways and their history goes back to the Edo period from 1603 to be exact. The soba noodles can be served cold, dried or with broth as instant dish, they have a lot of nutritional values and there are many types of soba dishes like the Kake soba, Tororo soba, kitsune soba, tanuki soba and finally the dish, I’m writing about the Tempura soba.

Tempura:  a seafood and vegetables-based dish that involves battering and deep-frying the fish and vegetables it was introduced by the Portuguese in the 16 century, there are a lot of tempura dishes and it can be made by a lot of types of fishes and vegetables like shrimp crab, octopus and for vegetables, eggplants, carrots, broccoli and many others.

Combining these 2 dishes you get the tempura soba both recipes complement each other to create an amazingly rich flavor with a strong aroma and they are a treat that should be enjoyed by anyone who wants to experience the Japanese food culture.


I hope this article was informative and an enjoyable read and I hope to talk about more delicious Japanese dishes in the future.